2024 CIE Awards Announced

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The Committee for Integrity Enhancement presented its 32nd Essay Contest Awards Program on Monday, April 22, 2024, 6:30 p.m. at Muncie Central High School Auditorium. The keynote speaker was Lindsey Arthur. She is the Chief Executive Officer for Muncie Habitat for Humanity. Lindsey has served at Muncie Habitat since 2002 and has held a variety of roles from AmeriCorps member to CEO.  Working in partnership with families and neighborhoods has been a passion of Lindsey’s for quite some time. Seeing first-hand the impact that homeownership has on the life of a family is just one of the many things that Lindsey values about her work.



Lindsey’s BUILD theme for her presentation was inspiring. She used it as an acronym to encourage everyone, not just students:

B – Be bold.  Be brave.

U – Uphold respect for others.

I – Incorporate more voices in your life – they’ll help you to grow, learn, and act with integrity.

L – Learn to apologize. Own it and be accountable.

D – Don’t give up!  Be diligent!  Persevere!

This year, 31 schools and 80 teachers participated in our essay contest. More than 1,400 Delaware County students in grades 4 through 12 wrote essays on the topic “How is your character important to your integrity?”

Winning students in the Elementary and Middle School Divisions received cash prizes: $250 for First Place; $150 for Second Place; $100 for Third Place. New this year: High School Division winners received cash prizes: $1,000 for First Place; $500 for Second Place; $250 for Third Place. Read the First Place winning essays here.

Elementary School Division winners: First place: Brooklyn Zirkle, Yorktown Elementary (Teacher: Beth Buehler; Principal: Wesley Thornburg); second: Drew Hatch, Cowan Elementary (Teacher: Aaron Wells; Principal: Lendon Schwartz); third: Avery Hildenbrand, Wes-Del Elementary (Teacher: Kris Nauman; Principal: Todd Reagan).

Middle School Division winners: First place: Isla Suding, Delta Middle School (Teacher: Lynde Bratton; Principal: Doug Marshall); second: Laniyah Smith, Delta Middle School (Teacher: Nakkia Patrick; Principal: Doug Marshall); third: Priscilla Scott, York Prairie Creek, (Teacher: Sean Scott).

High School Division winners: First place: Juno Leckie-Morales, Muncie Central High School (Teacher: Danny Thornburg, Principal: Chris Walker); second: Mason Moulton, Yorktown High School (Teacher: Carol Smith; Principal: Stacey Brewer); third: Kyle Martin, Heritage Hall High School (Teacher: Wes Wallace; Principal: David Stein).

C.I.E. also presented the Personal Integrity Awards recognizing Delaware County residents who have distinguished themselves as individuals of high principles and good character.

This year, Ruth Sherck received a Personal Integrity Award.

The Committee for Integrity Enhancement also has a Facebook Page. Go on and “Like” us!

Congratulations to all!


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